Our role
Dairy Food Safety Victoria (DFSV) is responsible for regulating the Victorian dairy industry to safeguard public health.
DFSV derives its regulatory powers from the Dairy Act 2000 (Vic) and the Food Act 1984 (Vic).
The Victorian dairy industry is an important contributor to the national and state economies, with dairy being Australia’s fourth largest and Victoria’s second largest export. Victoria dominates the industry in Australia, with the majority of Australian dairy farms located in Victoria, producing more than 65 per cent of Australia’s milk and accounting for most of its dairy exports.
DFSV operates on the basis of risk assessment and management, applying minimum effective regulation to achieve safe food outcomes and supporting the development of industry competence to ensure a continued supply of safe dairy food.
The effective application of the regulatory system supports the industry’s reputation for safety and quality, which underpins market access and the growth of the dairy industry.
Key functions
- Licenses all dairy businesses operating in Victoria, from the farm through to manufacturing and delivery of final product to the retail store.
- Monitors compliance with food safety programs.
- Provides technical advice and support to licensees to help them to meet their dairy food regulatory requirements and to produce safe dairy food.
- Advises the Minister for Agriculture on matters relating to the administration of the Dairy Act.