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Procurement Plan for 2025-27
The forecast Procurement Plan for DFSV is prepared in response to the Victorian Government Purchasing Board’s new governance policy developed under the procurement framework.
Under this policy, Departments and Agencies are required to publish a high-level summary plan of forecast procurement activities to be conducted over the next 24 months.
DFSV is committed to transparent and accountable practices when seeking goods and services from suppliers. DFSV aims to embed integrity and due process in dealing with Supplier Complaints to effectively and efficiently achieve the best possible outcomes. DFSV advertises its public tenders greater than $100,000 on the Tenders Victoria Website.
DFSV has developed a procurement complaint management process aligned to the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) requirements to ensure that potential suppliers who may have concerns relating to a procurement process conducted by DFSV can have those concerns addressed through an independent review process.
If you are involved in any procurement conducted by DFSV and wish to lodge a complaint about the process you should write (by letter or email) to DFSV’S Senior Manager, Finance & Business Services. If you wish to discuss the basis of your complaint before lodging it, you can also call the contact below:
Senior Manager, Finance & Business Services
Chief Procurement Officer
Phone : (03) 9810 5900
Level 2 , 969 Burke Road,
Camberwell , VIC 3124
Email: accounts@dairysafe.vic.gov.au
The written complaint must set out:
• your name and/or organisation's contact details
• the procurement that the complaint relates to
• the basis for the complaint specifying the issues involved
• how the subject of the complaint and the specific issue affects you or your organisation
• any relevant background information
• the outcome desired by you or your organisation.
DFSV will acknowledge your complaint within five (5) working days of its receipt and will seek to address the complaint within 20 working days of receipt. You may be contacted for further information and/or clarification of your concerns. If longer than 20 days is anticipated to be required, you will be advised accordingly.
All complaints submitted to DFSV will be reported annually to the VGPB for publication in their Annual Report.
If a satisfactory resolution to your complaint could not be reached, DFSV must inform the VGPB within five (5) days. If you are dissatisfied with DFSV response to your complaint and it relates to a goods and services procurement, you may refer the matter to the VGPB for review via email at: vgpb@dtf.vic.gov.au or via letter addressed to the VGPB Board Chair at:
Victorian Government Purchasing Board
Department of Treasury and Finance
GPO Box 4379
Melbourne 3001
The complainant must provide the VGPB with the following material:
• Evidence that DFSV did not correctly apply supply policies in relation to a procurement activity;
• Evidence that DFSV‘s complaints management procedures were not applied correctly; and
• A copy of all relevant correspondence between the complainant and DFSV in relation to the nature of the complaint.
Service providers should also be aware that there are other government bodies who may be able to assist you with your enquiry. Please see the links below for more information:
Office of the Ombudsman
Office of the Small Business Commissioner
Below is a diagram outlining the procedure.