Raw milk cheese production

The Primary Production and Processing Standard for Dairy (Standard 4.2.4) enables the production and sale of selected cheeses made from unpasteurised milk.

The Standard requires strict through-chain control over the production, transport and processing of raw milk to ensure final product is safe for consumers. They are in addition to existing requirements under Standard 4.2.4. 

Businesses wishing to apply to produce or transport raw milk for making raw milk cheese, or to produce raw milk cheese, will need to demonstrate compliance before being approved by Dairy Food Safety Victoria (DFSV).

Businesses approved for production or transport of raw milk or raw milk cheese will be subject to more frequent auditing, testing and monitoring regimes due to the increased food safety controls required to ensure the safety of raw milk for processing and the added risk associated with production without pasteurisation.

Further information is provided below for each licence type.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact DFSV early on to discuss the requirements to produce or transport raw milk for making raw milk cheese, or to manufacture raw milk cheese.